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lavendon parish council 
here to serve the community 

Lavendon Neighbourhood Plan 

Declaration of Results of The Lavendon Neighbourhood Plan Referendum 
Electorate - 1051 
Turnout - 44.8% 
Yes Votes - 440 
No Votes - 31 
The Lavendon Neighbourhood Plan is moving on to the next phase which is the examination stage. This will commence on 2nd September. 
Once this has been completed, and any adjustments made, we will move on to the referendum and we will notify of the date of this as soon as it has been set. 
The Lavendon NP webpage has been updated (click here) to include the representations received during the publicity period. Only 4 responses were received - from Anglian Water; National Grid; Natural England; and Canals and Rivers Trust. 
The Lavendon Neighbourhood Plan will go to referendum on 23rd January 2020. 
The question which will be asked in the Referendum is: 
'Do you want Milton Keynes Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Lavendon to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?' 
24th June 2019 
The Lavendon Neighbourhood Plan has been "put on deposit" at Milton Keynes Council from 24th June until 5th August 2019. 
During this consultation period you are encouraged to comment on the plan directly to Milton Keynes Council. 
14th May 2019 
The neighbourhood plan has now been submitted under regulation 15 legislation. After scrutiny and feedback we will be in a position to come back to the village for your views on the final plan prior to independent examination. 
As always your views are welcomed and encouraged by emailing 
1st March 2019 
Following on from the public consultation we have now submitted the plan under regulation 14 for pre submission consulatation and comments from statutory consultees and anyone can make there comments at any point in the process. This submission followed on from our public meetings and consultations which narrowed down the housing allocation areas. 
After this period, after plan adjustments, the neighbourhood plan will be submitted under regulation 15 to Milton Keynes Council. 
The process from this point will be a further opportunity to comment during a 6 week consultation period which leads up to an independant examination of the plan. 
As always we are happy to hear your views at any point by emailing 
5th July 2018 
The Lavendon Neighbourhood Plan is being prepared at present and will once adopted be used to determine planning applications within our village. A significant amount of new housing has been permitted recently, including a large site of 95 dwellings at appeal. Part of the focus of the Neighbourhood Plan will be the integration of this new development into the village, to secure the best outcomes we can for our community. 
To prepare a robust Neighbourhood Plan, it is proposed to make a small allocation for housing of no more than 5 units, within or adjoining the existing village settlement boundary. This will ensure that the Neighbourhood Plan is ‘positively prepared’ and meets the tests of ‘soundness’. Sites put forward for more than 5 units and in locations not well related to the village will be discounted. 
Deadline for submissions is Friday10th August 
21st December 2017 
The response to the neighbourhood plan questionnaire has been terrific but the more information that we receive the better as this will help us develop a robust plan for the village. 
As we are still ploughing through the responses and collating the information we are happy to receive questionnaires back up until the year end so if you haven't already responded please do so as soon as you can. 
We have been asked a few questions... 
What's the point of completing a questionaire? 
To have your say about the future shape of the village....your opinions count. 
How much is this costing? 
We are applying for a grant to cover the cost of developing the plan and we have volunteers from the village helping to make this happen. 
If you have a question feel free to ask. 
7th December 2017 
We have, to date, received back just over 11% of all questionnaires distributed. Please make sure that you return your Neighborhood plan questionnaire by 15th December to have your say on the future of Lavendon. 
25th November 2017 
Today we are starting to distribute the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire. Each adult needs to complete a separate questionnaire and return it to the Parish Office at the pavilion. If you could return them as soon as possible as this is a mammoth task so having early returns would help us to collate the data for analysis.  
This is your chance to have a say about how your village develops so please have your say. 
Thank you. 
The process for creating a neighbourhood plan for Lavendon has started and we will be looking to you for advice, opinions and help with creating the plan for the future of Lavendon. 
Currently we are forming a steering group and if you would like to be involved in this group please contact Jane Brushwood at the parish council office. 
During this process we will keep you informed and post documentation in this page. 
During this process we are aiming to hold regular meetings to ensure that the plan moves forward. If you would like to be involved in shaping the future of our village please Email 
Please submit your views on the draft neighbourhood plan (Regulation 14) by 31st December 2018. Click here to complete the online form or Email your views to  
You can also write to... 
Lavendon Parish Council, The Pavilion, 63a High Street, Lavendon, Olney, Buckinghamshire, MK46 4HA 
Neighbourhood Plan Open Day 
There will be an open day on Saturday 16th September 2017 from 10am to 3pm, at the pavilion, for you to give your input into the early stages of the neighbourhood plan. Come along to let us know what your aspirations are for village so that we can start the process of formulating the plan for the future of our community.