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lavendon parish council 
here to serve the community 
The Parish Council, loyal to its commitment to boost biodiversity across the village, has completed the planting of 10 trees at several locations within the village: 
Two at Dodds Hill 
One on the grounds of St,Michael's Church 
One at the recreation grounds 
Six at the cemetery 
The mix comprises primarily native species but also features some exotic trees with notable ornamental value when mature, which are also deemed compatible with a changing climate. The stock was sourced locally (Acorn Nurseries, Emberton) and the trees were all in good condition at the time of planting so hopefully the forthcoming growing season will deliver enough rain to sustain them through establishment (watering bags have been fitted in the event of a drought). 
The cost of the project will be covered in full by the Forestry Commission’s Treescape fund, which finances tree planting within Council land. This is one of several projects involving tree and shrub planting since the 2019-20 season, the key aims being to enhance the mix and quality of wildlife habitats and to promote connectivity across the village and with the wider countryside. We have more planting projects in the pipeline; if you wish to find out more or would like to get involved, please contact 
Tagged as: Biodiversity
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