Lavendon Litter Picking 2019
Posted on 18th February 2019 at 12:23
We plan to start Litter Picking in the village again on 6 April and can start with a flourish by being part of the Great British Spring Clean. Please meet outside the Pavilion at 10.00 am.
If you haven’t already been on a Litter Pick why not come and join us.
Everyone welcome – all ages and equipment is provided.
Dates for your dairy:
6th and 27th April
11th and 25th May
8th and 29th June
27th July
24th August
28th September
26th October
The village will be entered into the Buckinghamshire Best Kept Village competition again this year. Judging is in June and July, hence the twice monthly Litter Pick. We scored 83% last year. Let’s see if we can win this year!
Tagged as: Environment, Litter Picking
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