Biodiversity and Environmental Projects
Biodiversity loss, along with climate change, have been at the forefront of the public debate for some time now. Local Authorities are committed to play a part in reversing the current trend of nature decline by protecting, restoring and enhancing the natural environment.
Here in Lavendon, we have taken the matter seriously and have developed a Biodiversity Enhancement Plan, as part of our Neighbourhood Plan policies, which aims to create wildlife habitat in public open spaces, with a particular focus on creating better opportunities for nesting, foraging and connectivity.
We have a number of ongoing projects at several locations:
✔ At the playing field, we have planted landscape trees and native shrubs, put several areas to reduced grass cutting regimes and sowed wildflower seeds;
✔ At “the Copse”, we have planted additional hedgerow and sowed wildflowers;
✔ At Soames green, we are working to establish wildflowers in areas previously planted with ornamental, invasive shrubs which had become difficult to manage and were of poor biodiversity value;
✔ At Dodd’s Hill, we have planted a traditional orchard and native shrubs, as well as relaxed grass cutting regimes to benefit invertebrates and pollinators.
We are aware that most of these actions have not yet reached maturity and that to some they may appear unsightly and untidy; landscapes take time mature, particularly when allowed to revert to a more natural, wilder state. However, a sympathetic approach to landscape management comes with a range of benefits which include better wildlife habitat, cooling through shading, flood attenuation, mental health and wellbeing. If you want to find out more, do feel free to get in touch.
2022 Tree Planting
The Parish Council, loyal to its commitment to boost biodiversity across the village, under the stewardship of Councillor Martino Ginepro, has completed the planting of 10 trees at several locations within the village....Read More

Green Roof Installation

This is the bus shelter on Olney Road which has been installed with a living green roof.
The sedum plants growing on it are low growing succulents that send up short yellow flowers in summer, attracting bees, butterflies, insects and birds.
A "Buzz Stop" for local wildlife.
The plants also help absorb rainfall, slow down storm run-off and clean the air. They keep the shelter and surrounding area cooler in the heat of summer too.
Can you see other Green Roofs in Lavendon?
Yes, there are two more. The next time you are at the playing field look out for them.
This is all part of the Lavendon Neighbourhood plan aimed at the provision of biodiversity projects.
Kindly sponsored by David Wilson Homes
Within the neighborhood plan there is provision for biodiversity and environmental projects around the village and you can see a copy of the playing field plan by clicking here.
We are always happy to hear from volunteers, young and old (or very young as you can see in the picture) who would like to get involved in projects around the village.